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Current price 107.93 USD
Target price 107.93 USD

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Delivery address United States
Shipping Method ems
delivery day 5~7
$1000 (Insurance included)
Total Amount $1000
Number of bids 0 Bid History
Time remaining Unlimited period of time
Seller Information e-samurai
Number of ratings 0 the aforesaid
Good Rating 0 %
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New NIKE AIR MAX 97 Air Max US 8 UK7 EUR41 CM26

新品 NIKE AIR MAX 97 エアマックス US 8 UK7 EUR41 CM26

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New, unused, tagged and boxed. The AIR MAX 97 first appeared in 1997 and celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2017! The streamlined lines overlap each other in a design that is innovative even today, and the bright multi-colors are perfect for the coming season! It is the ultimate pair with a classic yet sophisticated design! Size US 8 UK7 EUR41 CM26 Color WHITE/DYNAMIC YELLOW

新品、未使用、タグ付き、箱ありです。 1997年に初登場し、2017年で生誕20周年目を迎えたAIR MAX 97!当時業界に衝撃をもたらしたフルレングスのビジブルエアミッドソールを初搭載し、360度全てをマックスエアで包み込んだインパクト抜群の一足!流線型ラインが幾重にも重なるデザインは今見ても斬新で、これからの季節にバッチリな鮮やかなマルチカラーも◎!クラシックながらも洗練されたデザインを持つ究極の一足です! サイズ US 8 UK7 EUR41 CM26 カラー WHITE/DYNAMIC YELLOW

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Product Information

Auction ID 104504
Desired Price 107.93 USD
Product weight 1000
メンズファッション > メンズシューズ > スニーカー > ナイキ
highest bidder
Payment method
Credit Card

After the payment is confirmed, lchi will send you the money in Japanese yen.

Shipping Area Ishikawa
Shipping Method
Credit Card

After the payment is confirmed, lchi will send you the money in Japanese yen.