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Current price 1620 USD

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Delivery address United States
Shipping Method ems
delivery day 5~7
$1000 (Insurance included)
Total Amount $1000
Number of bids 0 Bid History
Time remaining end
Seller Information ワイワイ堂
Number of ratings 0 the aforesaid
Good Rating 0 %
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◎Super Rare ◎DRAGON BALL PP Card 4,Piccolo Daimao (BANDAI)

◎超希少◎ ドラゴンボール PPカード 4,ピッコロ大魔王(BANDAI)

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This item was previously offered to us from overseas, but we had no experience in international shipping at that time and once gave up the sale. It was sold in 1995 and has been in storage for almost 30 years, so it should be a great item for Dragon Ball fanatics. If you look closely, you can see a small dent on the back and lower right portion, but overall there are no noticeable stains or scratches. We have given this price considering the fact that the item is in fairly good condition for something that has been in the market for about 30 years since it was acquired, and also considering the amount of money that was previously offered for it. Please note that all items are non-returnable to prevent replacement, so please be aware of this before bidding or purchasing.

以前に海外からオファーがあった品ですが、その際は海外発送の経験がなく売却を一度断念した商品です。 1995年に販売されたもので30年近く保管していましたので、ドラゴンボールマニアにはたまらない商品なはずです。 良く見ると裏面と右下部分に小さな凹みがありますが全体的に目立った汚れや傷はありません。 入手から30年ほど経過したものとしてはかなり状態が良いという部分と、以前にオファーされた際の金額を考慮してこの金額をつけさせていただきました。 なお、出品している全ての商品に対してすり替え防止として返品NGとさせていただきますので、そちらをご承知の上で入札·購入をお願いいたします。

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Product Information

Auction ID 104423
Start price 1620 USD
Desired Price 0 USD
Product weight 500
おもちゃ、ゲーム、アニメグッズ > トレーディングカードゲーム > ドラゴンボール > その他
highest bidder
Payment method
Credit Card

After the payment is confirmed, lchi will send you the money in Japanese yen.

Shipping Area Chiba
Shipping Method
Credit Card

After the payment is confirmed, lchi will send you the money in Japanese yen.